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Laura Puras

Spaniard/American, Laura Puras, is a Bay Area neuropsychology educator/coaching, freelance artist, poet and composer.

Originally from Spain, where she studied flute, violin, piano and composition, she received her master degree in Music Theory and Composition at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. She also holds a master in Neuropsychology & Education. As composer she has been selected, presented her music, and participated on concerts and Festivals around the world, as the Foro International de Music Nueva Manuel Enriquez (Mexico), the Keyboard in the 21st Century, (Hong Kong), Festival Uno-Uno-Prima (Parma, Italia), Encontro dei Ani (Evora, Portugal), Baroque Theater (Salzburg), Evolution Musuem (Burgos, Spain), Jerusalem Academy of Music (Israel). Her art pieces have been selected at international events as the Biennale of Art of Larnaca (Cyprus).

She has been awared numerous times in different disciplines. As researcher, Honor Thesis Award (UNIR); on ancient languages contests, Honorific Mention "Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas" (Latin) and Honorific Mention (University of Colorado) on Medieval Spanish Paleography. As musician and composer she has won the 1st Prize Muestra Jóvenes Intérpretes Regino Saiz de la Maza (XII and XIV editions) I Composition Contest "Antonio de Cabezon",  the 3rd international composition contest XICóATL "Errant Star", Salzburg, among others. In 2023 she won  the 3rd Ise-Shima International Composition Competition , Japan, and the Silver Medal in the Global Music Award, USA, (2023) for her innovations of sound.

Her "experimental"pieces, among others, include "Jali m nueliq nufajia" for balloon orchestra, "Perpetua Dolina" for ensemble with solo Friction drum, "Muwieri" for piano, "Destilación de lo inmóvil" (for ensamble) "Muted Tefillah" (video/installation), "First point" (video) and "Chai" for orchestra, three solo violins, soprano and video generated in real time.

Currently she continues her coaching and docent labor while she is working on the music for an experimental theater piece about the Polish Jewish writer and artist Bruno Schulz to be premiered in Buenos Aires and Warsaw. Besides creating, composing and coaching, she keeps researching on Autism, Perception, Music Notation and Rabbinic Theology, but mainly she is a committed mother "ima".


Palo Alto