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Wendy Goldberg

California artist Wendy Goldberg’s rural and urban landscape drawings and paintings have been variously classified as Intimist, Tonalist and Impressionist.
In truth, they are difficult to categorize. Her atmospheric, semi-abstract, luminous landscapes have an eerie expressiveness, and the capacity to draw out the essential mood of a subject through simplicity and suggestion.

Wendy Goldberg grew up in New York and New England and graduated from Cornell University in Ithaca where she fell in love with the moody, dynamic skies and landscape. Although she has lived in northern California for many years, with frequent trips to the east coast, she is equally inspired by the sensibilities of these two quite different and dramatic landscapes. “Goldberg’s drawings provide an element of tension, retain a sense of mystery...imply that the rather simple landscapes of nature contain unrevealed secrets. They contain a serenity of expression which never seeks to obscure life’s essential riskiness.” *

“...dynamic, engaging and well-orchestrated compositions...strong expressions of mood and atmosphere that arrest and capture the viewer’s attention...The strength of Goldberg’s work is that, beyond her masterful technique, her artistry takes the viewer on a personal journey---a unique and enlightening path to discovery and meaning.” **

Wendy Goldberg has been commended by artists and curators alike including Philip Linhares, Wayne Thiebaud, John Toki, Susan Jane Walp, Karin Breuer and Marian Parmenter. Her work is included in the Achenbach Collection of Prints and Drawings of the San Francisco Legion of Honor Museum, the Haas Collection, Genentech Corp, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Artist’s Gallery, New York Drawing Center Viewing Program, Engel & Davis, LLP, Anderson Consulting, Berkman, Bottger & Rodd as well as many other private and public collections throughout the country and abroad.

