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I Am Not Who You Think I Am

I Am Not Who You Think I Am, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Prints
I Am Not Who You Think I Am

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Prints (Digital Pigment-Based)    2000 x 2400   

Prompt Response
I was on an assignment for a photography class and told to take 20 or so pictures in 15 minutes in the streets outside the class. I asked a woman who worked in a Chinese restaurant if I could take her picture, and she graciously consented. Fifteen or so years later my interests had shifted from conventional digital photography to abstract digital art. I stumbled across the picture of the woman and started to work with it. I added as layers a range of flowers to adorn her hair and ears, then I created a kaleidoscope image based on the colors of the flower as a background. Gradually this picture took form.