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Jewlia, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Fiber

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Fiber (Mixed Media)    14 x 20   

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I created this embroidered portrait on canvas, incorporating fabric and fringe, in memory of the musician/composer Jewlia Eisenberg. As founder and bandleader of Charming Hostess Jewlia coined the term "Nerdy-Sexy-Commie-Girly" to describe her genre. She was a fierce and brilliant talent who in the last years of her life battled a rare autoimmune disease. The portrait was initially intended for her hospital room at UCSF, where she had received a bone marrow transplant, so that her care team would comprehend her vibrant beauty. But Jewlia died in early 2021 and I wasn't finished yet. Working on it became a meditation on her life. I gave the completed portrait to Jewlia's wife.