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Recharged / Self-portrait / from the Vortices Series

Recharged / Self-portrait / from the Vortices Series, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Recharged / Self-portrait / from the Vortices Series

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Acrylic)    48 x 48 x 1.5   

Prompt Response
I feel deep gratitude to be alive and healthy.

I painted this abstract self-portrait, of how I feel now, two years after the onset of Covid-19. The levity of my feelings are conveyed in bright, cool teals, blues and whites. The energetic, organic brushstrokes transferred the optimism that I feel inside, to the canvas.

My feelings of optimism and still tempered with the gravity of the virus and how it is still affecting the world. I have compassion for all those that are still navigating Covid-19, loss of family and/or health. I find that when I feel optimistic of things to come, I have more positivity that I can share with others.