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Sleepers Awake

Sleepers Awake, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings
Sleepers Awake

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Mixed Media)    29 x 23 x 3   

The three panels of the Silicon Valley Altarpiece were started in 2018 and completed in 2022.
Prompt Response
This painting of Edward Snowden is one panel of the Silicon Valley Altarpiece. The Altarpiece project reflects my struggle to come to terms with the impact of the internet and its spawn, social media, on the ways we interact with each other – socially, politically, morally. Seeing these most modern of characters cast in an archaic pictorial setting is akin to a visual oxymoron. It casts an uncanny light on them, and reminds us that however advanced the technology the effect still lands on people whose cognitive and emotional makeup is unchanged through time.