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Self Portrait

Self Portrait, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings
Self Portrait

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings (Graphite/Pencil/Colored Pencil)    10 x 8   

Prompt Response
I drew this picture at my daughter's house while my grandson was taking a nap. I took a sheet of paper from my 5 year old granddaughter's drawing pad and found a blue, water soluble pencil. There was a large mirror over the table and so on an impulse, I drew myself. I only had a few minutes before my grandson would wake up so I drew quickly. I was pleased and surprised by how much I liked the drawing. I responded to the expression and watchful interest in the face looking back at me. Viewing myself in this way, as if I were looking at someone I knew, but not well, gave me an unaccustomed objectivity and I thought: I'd like to know that person! It was fun to have that momentary experience.