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Man with Ninja Turtles Hat, Black Sabbath TShirt, Beard, and Glasses

Man with Ninja Turtles Hat, Black Sabbath TShirt, Beard, and Glasses, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings
Man with Ninja Turtles Hat, Black Sabbath TShirt, Beard, and Glasses

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Drawings (Graphite/Pencil/Colored Pencil)    5.25 x 3.5   

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For four decades, alongside paintings, and mixed-media works that blend traditional and digital techniques, I've also filled hundreds of small sketchbooks with "stolen portraits." I draw most of these portraits in a minute or two while riding transit, sitting in a café, or moving through the world. During the pandemic, to minimize exposure to others, I sometimes have only seconds to capture a masked character. For this pre-pandemic portrait, I drew the man sitting across from me while we rode on one of Muni's longer cross-town routes. Although most of my stolen portraits are drawn in a single color, the specifics of the Ninja Turtle hat demanded a few additional watercolor-pencil colors.