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Composing Dreams

Composing Dreams, Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Photography
Composing Dreams

Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Photography (Digital C-Print)    31.5 x 25.5 x 0.75   

Prompt Response
When assigned to do a portrait in my design class, I went to my constant muse, my 17 year old daughter, and asked her to pose. Though reluctant, she agreed to sit, and started to play my old, funky guitar, one that my father had bought for me at a garage sale when I was her age. She began to relax and forget that I was there, getting lost in composing a new tune, the chords evolving and surfacing with easy exploration. The gift she gave me was insight into her creative soul, an unexplored well of longing and trepidation, of hopes and dreams. I am forever grateful.